One of the things I've wanted for a long time is a few Juniper devices lying around my home to keep my Juniper CLI skills up to scratch and to experiment with new concepts as I learn them. Sure, you can run great labs in things like EVE-NG, but you ultimately need licensed VM images (and a machine with a fair amount of RAM and CPU grunt for any complex topologies), and those licenses are quite expensive (although if you have a login, you can download a free 60 day evaluation copy of vMX router, vSRX firewall or vQFX switch; apparently, you can simply recycle trial licenses - not that this is recommended [see e.g. page 351 of the Junos beginner's Day One guide]). Indeed, even if you (re)use trial licenses, you'll probably need a fairly hefty - expensive - server to run them on, which will cost a similar amount to quite a lot of second hand devices; the key advantage of the former, perhaps, is you're more likely to have a more current Junos image to work with in the virtualised space as opposed to from the old second hand gear market.
Old second hand Juniper gear, however, is quite cheap, and although you won't get support or upgrades, will then also not cost you any ongoing support. I'd be very wary of downloading random Junos images off the internet - some people do seem to share them if you look hard enough. I ordered two SRX 110H2-VA routers off Ebay to scratch this itch (I further scratched this itch with more gear...). I don't need anything particularly fancy, and these units are quite cheap, fairly compact, and lack fans, so they are nice and quiet. There are a lot of basic SRX firewalls available online; as Junos is somewhat consistent across most of the platforms, you will find getting a thing marketed as a "firewall" also lets you learn most of the Juniper platform features for not only firewalling, but switching and routing too from across their portfolio - aside, of course, for those features not supported on this platform or software version.
By the end of this post, you should be able to create a single router that has 8 virtual routers configured on it with a fairly complex, but easily understood, topology.
Read on for some ideas...
"Out of Box" experience
The SRX units were factory reset by the Ebay seller (in Amnesiac mode) and already upgraded to the latest stable 12.x train available (12.3X48-D85.1) for these now somewhat obsolete units. You need a valid support contract to be able to download the Junos images for a given device, so it's worth checking that the units you buy are at least somewhat up-to-date. If you are undergoing certifications, you may need to use particular versions of Junos (and possibly particular hardware), as the features and commands can (and do) change a little between versions and platforms.
They do take a few minutes to boot up after you apply power, so don't be too impatient!
One thing I'll note is that they get remarkably warm - particularly if you stack them on top of each other. I don't recommend doing that as a result, which is a shame (the hardware guides don't specifically say not to do so). I'll probably order a small rack or something to house them in eventually. They are apparently rated up to about 40 degrees Celsius ambient temperature (it is low 20s around here at the moment), but will probably thermally throttle or shutdown before getting anywhere near that if they bake each other at the same time. They're clearly meant for desktop use as a single unit (or as a single unit in a roomy, not particularly full rack, if you have a rack mount kit). As a lab device and not a production device, turning them off is probably a good idea - they'll last longer if kept cooler, and they will save you power, so long as you also unplug the power supplies. If you don't have a small rack, a very large desk or separate table to use as a workspace is quite useful to construct your topologies.
You're supposed to ground the devices, although if you're not using ADSL, it probably won't be the end of the world if you don't; if you're installing them for production use, however, follow the manufacturer's instructions - or your site-specific requirements.
Although you can achieve a lot through the web GUI or an SSH connection to the device, I recommend having a "yost" or rollover serial cable for management purposes. You can get USB ones cheaply now.
Junos crash course
I've been using Juniper's Junos since 2016, so I'm reasonably familiar with it - although if you're not, you will find Juniper has spent a lot of time and effort putting together learning resources like the tech library; the Day One books on various topics are particularly good, and available as free PDFs, as well as for a nominal cost as Kindle e-books - or as print-on-demand hardcopy through Vervante (or their presence on the likes of Amazon). The Day One guides are typically around 100 pages or so, allowing you to very quickly get up and running on a platform or technology. You should recognise that there is a lot more to learn (I have hundreds of pages of Juniper reading to plough through on my bookshelf), but it gives you some "quick wins" and a solid introduction to the topic.
You can also make use of the extensive courses and learning materials on Junos Genius; until recently at least, you've been able to complete a course and get a free voucher for their five Associate level certification exams (JNCIA Junos, Sec, DevOps, Cloud & JNCDA); I think this has been popular enough that this now only nets you a 75% discount - although a free digital training course is still a nice touch.
A commonly encountered difference is between those platforms using "ELS" command syntax and the older ones that don't - to me the most obvious manifestation of ELS vs. non-ELS is what the logical routing Layer 3 interface you put an IP address on a VLAN for ethernet-switching is called. If it's called "vlan.<id>", then it's the old non-ELS syntax; if it's called "irb.<id>" then it is ELS - but there are other differences. Fortunately, Juniper is quite good at giving you very helpful contextual clues by hitting the ? key where you're not certain where to go next (not to mention the builtin help with the help apropos <keyword>) - for the most part, there are few surprises about where you would need to go within the configuration hierarchy, particularly after a few days or weeks of playing around in the ecosystem. Another big difference is between those platforms that still make use of FreeBSD as the underlying OS, and those which are now using a version of Linux as the host, and basically run Junos as a VM within that; day to day, that makes fairly little operational difference - it's mainly noticeably different when it comes to upgrading Junos versions during maintenance windows and the slightly different ways this is done between the two host OSs. Whilst Juniper have long claimed a "one Junos" (where all the commands are hypothetically uniform across the entire hardware range), this is starting to break down a little, so do be prepared for the odd difference between different Juniper hardware platforms and software versions; another, perhaps unsurprising, difference is configuring bridges and VLANs on things that are "switches" (EX series) vs things that are "routers" (MX series).
Having a physical device (or preferably several) as you learn things is really quite helpful. Although you can make use of the free vLabs platforms, it is often nicer to have complete freedom to configure things as you wish - and without time limits.
Download a few of those resources, or sign up to the courses that look most interesting; start with the JNCIA-Junos course for a solid grounding and go from there. I'm going to assume you're going to embark on your own learning journey here, and will explore the CLI in your own time, so I don't cover all the details below.
In the rest of this post, I'll suggest a few things you might want to play with in your lab.
See also:
- Day One: Beginner's Guide to Learning Junos
- Day One: Exploring the Junos CLI 2nd Edition
- Those very familiar with Cisco's platforms will find Junos for IOS Engineers quite useful!
- SRX110 documentation (there is a LOT of info here).
Flow and Packet Mode
The SRX platform is intended to be a stateful firewall. Out of the box, this makes using them as routers a little harder than it needs to be. The SRX110 ships with a configuration that make the first port (fe-0/0/0) and the ADSL port "WAN ports" with a DHCP client, and members of the "untrust" firewall zone. The rest of the ports are bridged together in a VLAN with a DHCP server which can also be used to managed the device, in the Trust zone, with NAT set up out the WAN port, and a basic permissive outgoing firewall ruleset. This makes it work like a lot of consumer "routers" - plug the WAN port into something with a working Internet connection, and connect your PC to one of the "LAN" ports, and it will "just work" as a stateful firewall (although if you're using the ADSL port or 3G USB modem port, you'll need to do some config to get them to work).
If you're trying to learn routing on Junos, get the firewall features out of the way (obviously in production you keep firewalls firmly in the way!). The stateful firewall mode is known as "flow" mode (because, of course, a stateful firewall keeps track of connections - flows - of traffic); the alternative is known as "packet" mode, as it treats each packet separately, as a typical router would.
An SRX in flow mode looks like this when you issue the show security flow status command:
root> show security flow status
Flow forwarding mode:
Inet forwarding mode: flow based
Inet6 forwarding mode: drop
MPLS forwarding mode: drop
ISO forwarding mode: drop
Flow trace status
Flow tracing status: off
Flow session distribution
Distribution mode: RR-based
Flow ipsec performance acceleration: off
Flow packet ordering
Ordering mode: Hardware
You may find things like MPLS forwarding mode: drop cramp your style!
Putting most SRX devices into packet mode is a question of two commands in configure mode:
delete security
to remove the flow security filters, and
set security forwarding-options family mpls mode packet-based
to set up packet mode and then, of course, a commit and a request system reboot.
If you issue the show security flow status command after doing that - but before rebooting - you'll notice the output changes a bit:
root@srx2> show security flow status
Flow forwarding mode:
Inet forwarding mode: flow based (reboot needed to change to packet based)
Inet6 forwarding mode: drop
MPLS forwarding mode: drop (reboot needed to change to packet based)
ISO forwarding mode: drop
Flow trace status
Flow tracing status: off
Flow session distribution
Distribution mode: RR-based
Flow ipsec performance acceleration: off
Flow packet ordering
Ordering mode: Hardware
(I also set the hostname, hence the @srx2 in the prompt).
After rebooting, you'll have:
root@srx2> show security flow status
Flow forwarding mode:
Inet forwarding mode: packet based
Inet6 forwarding mode: drop
MPLS forwarding mode: packet based
ISO forwarding mode: drop
Flow trace status
Flow tracing status: off
Flow session distribution
Distribution mode: RR-based
Flow ipsec performance acceleration: off
Flow packet ordering
Ordering mode: Hardware
In particular, you will find it much easier to work in packet mode if you're learning features that require packet mode handling of packets to work; in flow mode, you may keep hitting barriers to learning that are not because you misconfigured something, but rather because you haven't managed to get the particular packets you need to be processed in packet mode instead of in flow mode.
Whilst you can make use of "selective stateless packet based services" interface packet filters to force those packets that need to be handled packet by packet in packet mode, you may be better served learning the underlying technology first (in packet mode), and knowing that you can make it work without complicating it with a bunch of special exceptions for traffic that needs "special" handling (in flow mode). In other words, learn the routing protocols you want to learn, learn Juniper's stateful SRX firewalling, and then stateless interface packet filters - and only then combine them once you're confident with all of them, instead of wondering whether you've messed up something with the protocol - or just not got the filters right. Start simple, then complicate!
If you later want to learn the firewall features AND making them work with packet mode protocols, you can always just revert back to factory settings and go from there - or change the configuration to remove the packet mode configuration and put back stateful flow mode rules. You'll probably have to add the host-inbound-traffic configuration for the protocols you want to work on, too within each relevant zone.
see also:
- [SRX] How to change forwarding mode for IPv4 from 'flow based' to 'packet based'
- Packet-Based Forwarding
How many should I buy, and which ones?
SRX devices are common in home labs for people that work with Juniper gear - they seem to be widely available and quite cheap second hand. You want at least two, although three or more is probably better, because you can construct more complex topologies - but you can get away with just one if you're happy to deal with the initially mind-bending nature of a virtualised topology within a single router - stay tuned for how to do this a bit later in this post. Another bonus of physical units is it is pretty easy to simulate link failures - just pull the cable out; that can be more of a challenge in virtualised environments (but is pretty easy - disable the interface).
If you want to try inter-vendor compatibility, buy at least one router from another vendor, perhaps a Cisco if you want to be pretty "industry standard", or something else if you want to save some money - many Mikrotik routers can be bought new for less money than a 5 year old "enterprise" router. I learnt a lot of my early networking on Mikrotik 750 units (hEX lite is the current equivalent; hAP lite are even cheaper) - but they have their quirks.
If you want to experience more platforms in the Juniper range, then get other devices (perhaps two EX series that can do Virtual Chassis, and at least one MX router; QFX are pretty new, high end and therefore expensive). Ideally, make sure the platform you're buying is still somewhat supported and has a reasonably recent version of Junos installed (preferably the version currently being targeted in certifications for said platform). Unfortunately, the EX series switches are still quite expensive, and some of the basic modes don't support virtual chassis (VC) - and some of the mid range ones need accessory modules to configure VC (like EX4200s need an EX-UM-2X4SFP).
If you are trying to learn the concepts, buying EoL/EoS units is not a problem. However, if you're trying to experiment and learn with specific current technologies not available in the older platforms, or latest versions of the operating system, you may find this cramps your style (particularly if they aren't available in a vLab) - but if you're doing that, hopefully your employer will supply you with what you need to demonstrate the concept in a work lab, because it's going to cost you a huge amount to build for yourself at home!
A suggestion...
Although I will give a lot of configuration below that you could just copy and paste, I strongly recommend that you come up with your own topology, numbering scheme and ideas - and manually type the commands in yourself. I know from my own personal experience that it is MUCH easier to learn (and remember) the command syntax that way - and you'll understand what and why configuration is done in a particular way much better - if you do it yourself, line by line. Words in a book (or blog!) or config copy/pasted - or existing production routers you look at the config for - will never teach you as much as actually implementing things from scratch on you own. By all means start out by copy/pasting "working" configurations to get a feel for a platform or topic - but you will ultimately get more value out of truly doing it yourself - designing the topology, deciding on various architectural choices, and implementing - and testing (and even documenting) - the entire configuration yourself.
In terms of how you ought to proceed, arguably, whichever way your brain best "gets" it - but my suggestion is to start with a business need, plan for the design you're trying to do to meet that need, then creating all the necessary interfaces with required addresses, assigning them to routing instances as needed, then adding in the various protocols, filters, and of course, verification/testing.
In other words the suggested basic steps are:
- identify needs
- design (decide what you want to achieve; make an annotated network diagram / sketch)
- create interfaces and physical (or logical) interconnections
- assign IP addresses
- create (virtual) routers
- assign interfaces to virtual routers, if necessary
- set up routing protocols or static routes, assigning to virtual routers if necessary.
- set up any additional configuration you want to learn about (many routing protocols need route filters, or you may need to "leak" routes between routing instances)
- verification - does it work?
- documentation - cement your learning by writing it all down.
Virtual Routers and Interfaces
Of course, if you only have a few routers (or just one), you might like to try creating additional virtual routers inside the one(s) you have. This also helps if you're struggling to run big topologies of virtualised routers in something like eve-ng on a modest machine. On some of the higher end Juniper platforms, you can have literally thousands of virtual routers. Obviously, on more basic routers, you're not going to try carrying entire Internet routing tables many times over (or at all!) over tens or hundreds of virtual devices - a few illustrative prefixes are all you need to learn a platform and experiment.
Don't have enough physical ports? You can use sub-interfaces and VLANs or even logical tunnel interfaces. In this post, I'm going to pretend I only have a single SRX and need to create a topology between several routers - on a single device.
Note that you should be quite far along in your understanding Junos journey before you start playing with these, as it can get quite confusing (use your network diagram!), but as you grow out of the basic lab scenarios and want to create something a bit more complicated (crazy?) and don't have a lot of gear, this is definitely a route to explore. It will help you greatly to design something on paper, and then figure out how to make it work, annotating the diagram as you go (with interface names and IP addresses - and any other information you find useful).
Obviously, there are limits to how many of these you can make on the lower end platforms (and even the high end platforms) - so you're certainly not going to simulate the entire internet or a large campus LAN or enterprise WAN on a single device. You're likely to find the number is surprisingly high, although performance might not be stellar, it will be good enough to learn on!
Before you start, draw your intended topology out - consider putting boxes grouping the physical and virtual routers belonging to each actual unit you have, so you know "where" each unit is and what it is called. Label the physical or virtual interconnections (ports, VLANs, or any other interfaces) and IP addresses between them, too.
Aside from the typically licensed feature of logical-systems, there are two major types of router virtualisation you'll encounter - routing-instances instance-type vrf and routing-instances instance-type virtual-router (there are of course a few others as well as Node Slicing!). In this context, you typically want virtual-router; vrf is more commonly deployed in service provider scenarios involving L3 VPNs; in my head I file them as "VRF is for service providers wanting to segregate multiple client VPN networks; virtual-router is when I want to segregate my own network - or pretend I have more routers than I really do". As well as the handy "make more routers for my lab" potential of these, they're quite useful in the real world, too - at my last job, we used virtual-router quite extensively across our core and distribution routers to segregate a campus network into different segments that only "met" on our edge routers and had to traverse the firewall (both ways, so the policies relevant to each segment applied, as necessary) to do so, even though they shared physical infrastructure, they were logically segregated with routing instances.
Creating virtual-routers
Creating a virtual router in Junos is very easy. The syntax is:
set routing-instances <name> instance-type virtual-router
for example, to create one called VR1:
set routing-instances VR1 instance-type virtual-router
You should get into the habit of always adding loopback interfaces and IP addresses to routers - virtual routers are no different than "real" ones in this regard!
set interface lo0 unit 1 family inet address
set interface lo0 unit 2 family inet address
We'll associate these interfaces with the virtual router in a later step.
Furthermore, you should get into the habit of specifying the router-id used in routing protocols as the loopback IP address. If you don't, Junos will pick one of the configured router IP addresses as the router-id, typically either the IP address of the loopback, or the lowest numbered IP on an interface if a loopback IP is not configured. This may not be what you want; operationally, it is VERY useful to have the router ID and the loopback IP match, so you can easily - and consistently - determine which router is sending what. Setting this is pretty easy.
set routing-instances VR1 routing-options router-id
set routing-instances VR2 routing-options router-id
Now, any routing protocol you happen to run on those routing-instances will have the router-id match the loopback IP address.
Creating virtual interfaces (logical tunnels)
The next handy virtual construct for a complex virtual lab topology is virtual interfaces - logical tunnels. You can simply create an interface like lt-0/0/0.0, assign it an IP address and assign it to one of your virtual routing-instances. Logical tunnels, somewhat like loopbacks, never really go down, so they will still keep on going even if you unplug ethernet cables. Pretty handy!
There are a few minor complications with this. Firstly, you should think of them as point-to-point interfaces - indeed, you need to specify which lt interfaces are "connected" with each other; you therefore need to configure them in pairs.
I like to keep some kind of consistency in naming and numbering so I don't have to think too hard about which bits belong with which other bits, so I keep things like virtual-router names and interface units consistent - so a virtual router called VR1 will use Unit 1 not only for a lo0 interface, but also for its lt interfaces; VR2 will use Unit 2 - and so on. Eventually, this can break down somewhat (if you've already used Unit 1 and Unit 2 to link router one and two together, what do you use to link router 2 to router 3? You can of course contrive more complex numbering schemes (like unit 12 links router 1 to router 2; unit 21 links router 2 to router 1 - and so on). Unit numbers are 14 bits long, so you can have over 16,000 of them! If you've not already come across the concept, you ALWAYS need to configure a logical sub-interface on a physical interface in Junos before you can use it - most commonly, you'll use unit 0, but you don't have to label sequentially, and you don't always have to assign unit 0 (as long as you assign at least one unit subinterface of some numeric value; in some cases, you are restricted to unit 0, but Junos will let you know if you're trying to do something it doesn't like during commit or commit check).
If you're applying IP addresses to VLAN units, it is strongly recommended that you match the unit number to the VLAN ID, although it is not mandatory.
If you've not noticed, you'll often see the unit number appended to the interface name - so lt-0/0/0.0 is unit 0 on lt-0/0/0.
You can save yourself a tiny bit of typing by specifying the interface with the unit number - so
set interface lt-0/0/0 unit 0 family inet address
set interface lt-0/0/0.0 family inet address
are both valid set commands for the same logical sub-interface; the former is the more commonly used command syntax - basically, note that typing .<unit number> after the physical interface is equivalent to unit <unit number>.
Labeling things (adding descriptions) can also be very useful, for example:
set interfaces lt-0/0/0 unit 1 description VR1-VR2
set interfaces lt-0/0/0.2 description "VR2 to VR1"
If you want to include spaces in your text, make sure you quote the text - it can be a good habit to get into to always add quotes to your descriptions, just in case.
In order to create the logical tunnel, first set up the VR1 side. Note the peer-unit is the unit number I want as the "other end" of the connection. In this instance, I want to assign Unit 1 to Virtual Router 1, and Unit 2 to Virtual Router 2 - and use these two interfaces to link between these two virtual routers.
set interfaces lt-0/0/0 unit 1 encapsulation vlan
set interfaces lt-0/0/0 unit 1 vlan-id 1
set interfaces lt-0/0/0 unit 1 peer-unit 2
set interfaces lt-0/0/0 unit 1 family inet address
set interfaces lt-0/0/0.1 encapsulation vlan vlan-id 1 peer-unit 2 family inet address
set interfaces lt-0/0/0 unit 2 encapsulation vlan
set interfaces lt-0/0/0 unit 2 vlan-id 1
set interfaces lt-0/0/0 unit 2 peer-unit 1
set interfaces lt-0/0/0 unit 2 family inet address
(You could use the "one liner" syntax here, too. If you're struggling to work out the right order, pipe the output of a show command for an already configured grouping of stanzas to | display set to see a working order for a potential one liner - e.g. show configuration interfaces lt-0/0/0.1 | display set and follow that order).
Note that you must set an encapsulation type on lt interfaces - vlan should meet most needs for this sort of labbing; ethernet may work just as well. You may want to use different VLAN IDs to keep things separate between router instances - but that of course the VLAN IDs on both sides of the connection need to match! Use one unique vlan-id per pair of interfaces.
This results in the following configuration listing:
root@srx2> show configuration interfaces lt-0/0/0unit 1 {description VR1-VR2;encapsulation vlan;vlan-id 1;peer-unit 2;family inet {address;}}unit 2 {description VR2-VR1;encapsulation vlan;vlan-id 1;peer-unit 1;family inet {address;}}
You can always try using /31 subnets for point-to-point interfaces - Junos supports them in certain scenarios, and they can add up to a lot of saved IP addresses (or even the more exotic un-numbered interface). Of course, in a home lab you're not typically short of RFC1918 space - but particularly if you're using scarce publicly routable IPv4 addresses, you want to be efficient!
You then need to assign your newly minted interfaces to the relevant routing-instance. Issue the following commands to create virtual routers and assign interfaces to them:
set routing-instances VR1 instance-type virtual-router
set routing-instances VR1 interface lt-0/0/0.1
set routing-instances VR1 interface lo0.1set routing-instances VR2 instance-type virtual-router
set routing-instances VR2 interface lt-0/0/0.2
set routing-instances VR2 interface lo0.2
root@srx2# show routing-instances
VR1 {
instance-type virtual-router;
interface lt-0/0/0.1;
interface lo0.1;
VR2 {
instance-type virtual-router;
interface lt-0/0/0.2;
interface lo0.2;
root@srx2> ping inet routing-instance VR1 ( 56 data bytes64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=2.255 ms^C--- ping statistics ---1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0% packet lossround-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 2.255/2.255/2.255/0.000 msroot@srx2> ping inet routing-instance VR2 ( 56 data bytes64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=4.186 ms64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=2.209 ms^C--- ping statistics ---2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet lossround-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 2.209/3.197/4.186/0.989 msroot@srx2> ping inet routing-instance VR1 ( 56 data bytesping: sendto: No route to hostping: sendto: No route to host^C--- ping statistics ---2 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet lossroot@srx2> ping inet routing-instance VR2 ( 56 data bytesping: sendto: No route to hostping: sendto: No route to host^C--- ping statistics ---2 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet lossroot@srx2> ping inet routing-instance VR1 ( 56 data bytes64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.314 ms^C--- ping statistics ---1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0% packet lossround-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 0.314/0.314/0.314/0.000 msroot@srx2> ping inet routing-instance VR2 ( 56 data bytes64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=1.292 ms^C--- ping statistics ---1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0% packet lossround-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 1.292/1.292/1.292/0.000 ms
Routing between virtual routers
set routing-instances VR1 protocols ospf area interface lo0.1 passiveset routing-instances VR1 protocols ospf area interface lt-0/0/0.1
set routing-instances VR2 protocols ospf area interface lt-0/0/0.2set routing-instances VR2 protocols ospf area interface lo0.2 passive
root@srx2> ping inet routing-instance VR2 ( 56 data bytes64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=2.113 ms64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=2.343 ms^C--- ping statistics ---2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet lossround-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 2.113/2.228/2.343/0.115 msroot@srx2> ping inet routing-instance VR1 ( 56 data bytes64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=2.062 ms64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=2.274 ms^C--- ping statistics ---2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet lossround-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 2.062/2.168/2.274/0.106 ms
root@srx2> show route table VR1.inet.0VR1.inet.0: 5 destinations, 5 routes (5 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)+ = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both10.10.1.0/30 *[Direct/0] 01:20:47> via lt-0/0/ *[Local/0] 01:20:47Local via lt-0/0/ *[Direct/0] 01:47:51> via lo0. *[OSPF/10] 00:06:40, metric 1> to via lt-0/0/0.1
root@srx2> show ospf neighbor instance VR1Address Interface State ID Pri Dead10.10.1.2 lt-0/0/0.1 Full 128 33
root@srx2> show ospf database instance VR1OSPF database, Area ID Adv Rtr Seq Age Opt Cksum LenRouter * 0x80000005 977 0x22 0x7852 48Router 0x80000006 978 0x22 0x344c 60Router 0x80000005 979 0x22 0x6b54 48Network 0x80000002 983 0x22 0xfffb 32Network 0x80000002 979 0x22 0xe513 32
root@srx2> show ospf route instance VR1Topology default Route Table:Prefix Path Route NH Metric NextHop NexthopType Type Type Interface Address/LSP10.255.2.2 Intra Router IP 1 lt-0/0/0.1 Intra Router IP 2 lt-0/0/0.1 Intra Network IP 1 lt-0/0/ Intra Network IP 2 lt-0/0/0.1 Intra Network IP 0 lo0. Intra Network IP 1 lt-0/0/0.1 Intra Network IP 2 lt-0/0/0.1
root@srx2> ping ( 56 data bytesping: sendto: No route to host
Note that we haven't specified a routing instance or table - we've just told the router to use its own resources - in other words, use inet.0.
root@srx2> show route table inet.0inet.0: 2 destinations, 2 routes (2 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)+ = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both10.255.255.2/32 *[Direct/0] 02:12:49> via lo0.0192.168.1.1/32 *[Local/0] 08:09:28Reject
Disabling "always up" logical tunnels and virtual routers
If you are used to simply pulling out cables to simulate link failures, you may be wondering how you can cut some virtual wires. The easiest way is to simply deactivate one of the logical interfaces in the link.
deactivate interfaces lt-0/0/0.2
will cause the link between VR1 and VR2 to go down (with all the problems that may cause your topology). You'll have to commit the change before it will take effect. To reverse this, either rollback 1 and commit, or
activate interfaces lt-/0/0/.2
and commit the change.
You could even go so far as to disable entire virtual routers - similarly, you would use the deactivate command on routing-instance <name> and commit the change, perhaps simulating failure of a whole router or site.
Final Topology
I've not run through every step of this, but a possible end result could look something like this:
![]() |
8 router topology - all created using virtual routers and virtual logical tunnel interfaces. Diagram created with |
To me, this represents:
- some Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) (VR 1 & 8);
- some Point-of-Presence (PoP) Provider Edge (PE) routers (VR 2 & 7);
- a resilient core network (VR 3,4,5 & 6).
With something like this, you can experiment extensively!
You could, for instance:
- start adding or changing the routing protocol or configuration associated with it, perhaps simulating a change (or even a live migration) of IGP from OSPF to ISIS, or adding BGP;
- cause yourself immense pain by removing IGP and only using static routes;
- add in MPLS;
- add in additional PoP and CPE sites;
- multiply connect CPE device(s);
- add in an MP-BGP L3VPN between the CPEs or some other provider-style VPN link transparent to layer 2 (with all the required changes to all of the routers to make it work);
- check the path traffic takes through the topology;
- change the path traffic takes through the topology with the relevant configuration knobs, or see what effect router/link outages have;
- add or subtract available paths between routers, particularly something like LACP;
- get the physical router to participate in this topology with OSPF and suitable interfaces;
- add a physical interface into the topology on one of the routers that allows a physical device (like your own laptop) to participate in the topology - perhaps one of the CPEs, complete with a DHCP server you configure on the virtual router;
- get the virtual topology to inter-operate with a physical router from another manufacturer;
- allow Internet access from the virtual topology;
- experiment with route filtering and policy;
- change the roles of the routers, adding or removing services, as needed;
- add in more routers, perhaps simulating connections to an IXP and/or one or more transit ISPs.
Given a topology like this with all the point-to-point and loopbacks created, addressed, and interconnected - and a working IGP - you have a very flexible plaything that can teach you a lot. As I mentioned earlier, designing and building your own topology is a much more powerful learning aid, but sometimes, you want to see a working one and get a little more familiar with some of the concepts before you take the plunge yourself. I hope this helps you!
Config listing
If you want to just copy and paste a topology (the one in the diagram above, in fact), here you go; it should work on most Juniper devices, but it was developed and tested on a SRX110H2-VA:
system {host-name srx2;name-server {;;}services {ssh;xnm-clear-text;web-management {http {interface vlan.0;}https {system-generated-certificate;interface vlan.0;}}dhcp {pool {address-range low high;router {;}}propagate-settings fe-0/0/0.0;}}syslog {archive size 100k files 3;user * {any emergency;}file messages {any critical;authorization info;}file interactive-commands {interactive-commands error;}}max-configurations-on-flash 5;max-configuration-rollbacks 5;license {autoupdate {url;}}}interfaces {fe-0/0/0 {unit 0 {family inet;}}lt-0/0/0 {unit 1 {description VR1-VR2;encapsulation vlan;vlan-id 1;peer-unit 2;family inet {address;}}unit 2 {description VR2-VR1;encapsulation vlan;vlan-id 1;peer-unit 1;family inet {address;}}unit 23 {description VR2-VR3;encapsulation vlan;vlan-id 23;peer-unit 32;family inet {address;}}unit 25 {description VR2-VR5;encapsulation vlan;vlan-id 25;peer-unit 52;family inet {address;}}unit 32 {description VR3-VR2;encapsulation vlan;vlan-id 23;peer-unit 23;family inet {address;}}unit 34 {description "VR3 to VR4";encapsulation vlan;vlan-id 34;peer-unit 43;family inet {address;}}unit 35 {description "VR3 to VR5";encapsulation vlan;vlan-id 35;peer-unit 53;family inet {address;}}unit 36 {description "VR3 to VR6";encapsulation vlan;vlan-id 36;peer-unit 63;family inet {address;}}unit 43 {description "VR4 to VR3";encapsulation vlan;vlan-id 34;peer-unit 34;family inet {address;}}unit 45 {description "VR4 to VR5";encapsulation vlan;vlan-id 45;peer-unit 54;family inet {address;}}unit 46 {description "VR4 to VR6";encapsulation vlan;vlan-id 46;peer-unit 64;family inet {address;}}unit 47 {description "VR4 to VR7";encapsulation vlan;vlan-id 47;peer-unit 74;family inet {address;}}unit 52 {description VR5-VR2;encapsulation vlan;vlan-id 25;peer-unit 25;family inet {address;}}unit 53 {description "VR5 to VR3";encapsulation vlan;vlan-id 35;peer-unit 35;family inet {address;}}unit 54 {description "VR5 to VR4";encapsulation vlan;vlan-id 45;peer-unit 45;family inet {address;}}unit 56 {description "VR5 to VR6";encapsulation vlan;vlan-id 56;peer-unit 65;family inet {address;}}unit 63 {description "VR6 to VR3";encapsulation vlan;vlan-id 36;peer-unit 36;family inet {address;}}unit 64 {description "VR6 to VR4";encapsulation vlan;vlan-id 46;peer-unit 46;family inet {address;}}unit 65 {description "VR6 to VR5";encapsulation vlan;vlan-id 56;peer-unit 56;family inet {address;}}unit 67 {description "VR6 to VR7";encapsulation vlan;vlan-id 67;peer-unit 76;family inet {address;}}unit 74 {description "VR7 to VR4";encapsulation vlan;vlan-id 47;peer-unit 47;family inet {address;}}unit 76 {description "VR7 to VR6";encapsulation vlan;vlan-id 67;peer-unit 67;family inet {address;}}unit 78 {description "VR7 to VR8";encapsulation vlan;vlan-id 78;peer-unit 87;family inet {address;}}unit 87 {description "VR8 to VR7";encapsulation vlan;vlan-id 78;peer-unit 78;family inet {address;}}}fe-0/0/1 {unit 0 {family ethernet-switching {vlan {members vlan-trust;}}}}fe-0/0/2 {unit 0 {family ethernet-switching {vlan {members vlan-trust;}}}}fe-0/0/3 {unit 0 {family ethernet-switching {vlan {members vlan-trust;}}}}fe-0/0/4 {unit 0 {family ethernet-switching {vlan {members vlan-trust;}}}}fe-0/0/5 {unit 0 {family ethernet-switching {vlan {members vlan-trust;}}}}fe-0/0/6 {unit 0 {family ethernet-switching {vlan {members vlan-trust;}}}}fe-0/0/7 {vlan-tagging;unit 99 {description "client interface for VR1";vlan-id 99;family inet {address;}}}pt-1/0/0 {unit 0 {family inet;}}lo0 {unit 0 {family inet {address;}}unit 1 {family inet {address;}}unit 2 {family inet {address;}}unit 3 {family inet {address;}}unit 4 {family inet {address;}}unit 5 {family inet {address;}}unit 6 {family inet {address;}}unit 7 {family inet {address;}}unit 8 {family inet {address;}}}vlan {unit 0 {family inet {address;}}unit 1 {description "VLAN 1 on VR1 - client subnet";family inet {address;}}}}protocols {rstp;}security {forwarding-options {family {mpls {mode packet-based;}}}}routing-instances {VR1 {description CPE1;instance-type virtual-router;interface lt-0/0/0.1;interface fe-0/0/7.99;interface lo0.1;routing-options {router-id;}protocols {ospf {area {interface lo0.1 {passive;}interface lt-0/0/0.1;interface fe-0/0/7.99 {passive;}}}}}VR2 {description PE1;instance-type virtual-router;interface lt-0/0/0.2;interface lt-0/0/0.23;interface lt-0/0/0.25;interface lo0.2;routing-options {router-id;}protocols {ospf {area {interface lt-0/0/0.2;interface lo0.2 {passive;}interface lt-0/0/0.23;interface lt-0/0/0.25;}}}}VR3 {description P1;instance-type virtual-router;interface lt-0/0/0.32;interface lt-0/0/0.34;interface lt-0/0/0.35;interface lt-0/0/0.36;interface lo0.3;routing-options {router-id;}protocols {ospf {area {interface lo0.3 {passive;}interface lt-0/0/0.32;interface lt-0/0/0.35;interface lt-0/0/0.34;interface lt-0/0/0.36;}}}}VR4 {description P2;instance-type virtual-router;interface lt-0/0/0.43;interface lt-0/0/0.45;interface lt-0/0/0.46;interface lt-0/0/0.47;interface lo0.4;routing-options {router-id;}protocols {ospf {area {interface lt-0/0/0.43;interface lo0.4 {passive;}interface lt-0/0/0.45;interface lt-0/0/0.46;interface lt-0/0/0.47;}}}}VR5 {description P3;instance-type virtual-router;interface lt-0/0/0.52;interface lt-0/0/0.53;interface lt-0/0/0.54;interface lt-0/0/0.56;interface lo0.5;routing-options {router-id;}protocols {ospf {area {interface lt-0/0/0.52;interface lo0.5 {passive;}interface lt-0/0/0.53;interface lt-0/0/0.54;interface lt-0/0/0.56;}}}}VR6 {description P4;instance-type virtual-router;interface lt-0/0/0.63;interface lt-0/0/0.64;interface lt-0/0/0.65;interface lt-0/0/0.67;interface lo0.6;routing-options {router-id;}protocols {ospf {area {interface lt-0/0/0.63;interface lo0.6 {passive;}interface lt-0/0/0.65;interface lt-0/0/0.64;interface lt-0/0/0.67;}}}}VR7 {description PE2;instance-type virtual-router;interface lt-0/0/0.74;interface lt-0/0/0.76;interface lt-0/0/0.78;interface lo0.7;routing-options {router-id;}protocols {ospf {area {interface lo0.7 {passive;}interface lt-0/0/0.74;interface lt-0/0/0.76;interface lt-0/0/0.78;}}}}VR8 {description CPE2;instance-type virtual-router;interface lt-0/0/0.87;interface lo0.8;routing-options {router-id;}protocols {ospf {area {interface lo0.8 {passive;}interface lt-0/0/0.87;}}}}}vlans {vlan-trust {vlan-id 3;l3-interface vlan.0;}}
You may find this article useful.
Note that no users or root authentication have been configured above - you should do this.
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